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Problem solving, Creativity and Logical reasoning...

STEM learning increases the likelihood of High School graduation by 40% and by 2030, there is projected to be over 11,200,000 jobs in STEM related fields.

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AI - Artificial Intelligence

The world as we know it is changing and AI has a permanent place in the evolution of technology.  Machine learning, Analyzing Data and Probabilistic calculations are concepts learned in our INTRO TO AI course for our STEM-Build Future Tech Genius students.. 


We were fortunate to host not just one, but 3 GDYT programs the summer of 2024.  This program provides youth wages from $12-$15 per hour while working and learning Professional skills from an industry of choice.

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Cyber Threat Management

73 percent of 8-18 year-old children and youth online are exposed to cyber risks. Learning Cyber Security in the classroom, teaches students good 'Digital Citizenship', how to protect themselves from online threats and introduces them to pathways in a Cyber Security career.

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Microsoft Office After School Certification

The Microsoft Office Specialist Certification is a professional credential that certifies your expertise.  Youth also have an opportunity to compete with other studnts globally and win cash prizes in the Microsoft Office Championship, an all expense paid trip  to Disney World sponsored by Microsoft.

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Drone Technology & Design

Drone Technology is an exciting and fulfilling way to introduce youth to STEM.  We implement the engineering concepts of Drone design and aerial flight to youth startring in kindergarten. Levels of training are grade and age appropriate.



You Build IT... You Keep IT

Among our popular STEM-Build Programs, the You Build IT... You Keep IT course, introduces students to the fundamentals of Tech Support roles while learning about the inner-workings of computing devices and building gaming PC's to take home.

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